Highland Street Improvements Project
Completed in 2022, the Highland Street Improvements Project - Phase 1 invested approximately $7,000,000 in new public infrastructure, including new signalized crosswalks, sidewalks, medians, intersection upgrades, landscaping, utility relocations, and other traffic calming devices. Under direction of the UNDC, planning for the project began in 2019 and included several public meetings to gather input. The UNDC partnered with LRK to develop a vision document (view here.) for the street. Construction began in November 2021 and lasted approximately one year. Further: Highland Street Construction Updates
Photo: Joe Luther
Walker Avenue Streetscape Enhancements
Walker Avenue runs adjacent to the University of Memphis campus and features several businesses frequented by students. The UNDC wanted streetscape enhancements to encourage pedestrian and bicycle activity while also increasing multimodal safety from passing vehicles.
A2H developed a pedestrian-oriented Master Plan and design for Walker Avenue. Phase 1 of the project covers 820 feet of Walker Avenue. A new pedestrian plaza created a central focal point of the enhanced area. Street-side parking was modified to angled entry to help separate vehicular and pedestrian traffic. Other improvements in the first phase include the replacement of existing sidewalks with ADA access and limitation of curb cuts for easier pedestrian access to businesses.
The UNDC obtained a $529,436 Transportation Enhancement grant from TDOT for this project.